Donizetti: Le Convenienze ed Inconvenienze Teatrali / Pratt, Bailey, Guidarini

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BelAir Classiques
Release Date
January 25, 2011
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The "Scala Academy Project" has chosen an opera by Donizetti never before performed on the Scala stage. Le convenienze ed inconvenienze teatrali (Viva la mamma !) is a dramma giocoso which premiered in Naples in 1827. Italian actor, director and writer Antonio Albanese, a true master of wit and satire, made his debut as opera director. The Orchestra is conducted by Marco Guidarini. Le convenienze ed inconvenienze teatrali was inspired by two comedies written by Antonio Simone Sografi between 1794 and 1816. It follows the theatrical tradition of Goldoni, Gozzi and Metastasio, and subjects the bad habits of the operatic world to biting and sardonic criticism. The opera pokes fun at the "rights, either real or presumed, that each opera artist assumes to possess and which leads them to not liking particular operas or dances, irritating the public, ruining impresarios and ridiculing virtuosos".

Daria - Jessica Pratt
Procolo - Simon Bailey
Biscroma - Christian Senn
Agata - Vincenzo Taomina
Luigia - Aurora Tirotta
Guglielmo - Leonardo Cortellazzi
Pippetto - Asude Karayavuz Marco Guidarini, conductor
Alfonso Caiani, chorus master
Antonio Albanese, stage director

Running Time: 113 min.
Format: 16/9 NTSC
Audio: PCM Stereo, Dolby digital 5.1
Subtitles: English, German, French, Spanish
Region: All

Product Description:

  • Release Date: January 25, 2011

  • UPC: 3760115300637

  • Catalog Number: BAC063

  • Label: BelAir Classiques

  • Number of Discs: 1

  • Composer: Music By Gaetano Donizetti, Li

  • Performer: Jessica Pratt, Simon Bailey, Christian Senn, Vincenzo Taormina, Aurora Tirotta, Leonardo Cortellazzi