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Pan Classics
Release Date
January 20, 2017
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Thomas Straessle studied with Bruno Meier and Aurele Nicolet, taking his diploma with a concerto, for which he also received an award. He also studied privately and by taking master courses with Conrad Klemm and Peter-Lukas Graf, as well as studying chamber music with Bruno Canino, Charles Rosen and Peter Feutwanger. He travelled to London to study under Edward Beckett. His formative impulses were, however, to be gained from Aurele Nicolet. Christian Zaugg studied with Verena Pfenninger, Michael Studer and Mario Calisi, at the Zurich, Berne and Turin conservatories respectively, winning an award for his diploma concerto. He then continued his studies, taking master courses with Bruno Canino, Jacob Lateiner, Charles Rosen and Aurele Nicolet. In 1997, he met piano teacher Peter Feuchtwanger in London, who was to provide him with a powerful impetus in the years that followed. For around a decade, the Straessle/Zaugg Duo has been working together both in concerts and in recordings. The repertoire of the duo extends from the Baroque to the music of the present.

Product Description:

  • Release Date: January 20, 2017

  • UPC: 7619990101937

  • Catalog Number: PC10193

  • Label: Pan Classics

  • Number of Discs: 1

  • Composer: D'Alessandro, Juon, Lauber

  • Performer: Strassle, Zaugg